caption contest, mud jumping contest

As is our custom, the week begins with a caption contest.  This week’s photo features a man jumping into a big mud puddle.  There are observers, though they seem to be distracted by something.  It’s up to you to explain what could possibly be going on here…

(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, party with something missing

We have a party-filled caption contest for you this week!  Well, maybe not party-filled, but there is a party.  Well, if you can have a party with one person.  But at least there are snacks!

Anyway, it’s up to you to write a caption for this picture, to explain what’s going on or what the person shown is thinking.  As usual, the only rules are make it funny and keep it clean.

(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, Obama trying to be cool

I usually don’t involve politics in the weekly caption contest, but with all that’s going on this week (i.e., national health care), I figured it’s a good time.  So this week’s photo features President Barack Obama in a room full of people, and he’s giving a fist-bump to some other guy.  Obviously Obama is agreeing with that guy, or at least trying to act cool, and the other people in the room appear to have mixed emotions about whatever is going on.  It’s your job to write the caption for this picture.

The only rules are that you keep your comments clean, and make an attempt to be funny.  I expect some of you will want to make a political rant about the new health care bill, and that’s fine, as long as you try to make it funny.   This is a humor blog, not a political discussion forum.

(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)

caption contest, man staring at neighbor’s funny hedges

Welcome to this week’s caption contest!   This week’s photo features a man staring at his neighbor’s hedges, which were trimmed to resemble a man mooning someone over the fence.  Write a caption to explain what’s going on, whether it’s a story or a joke or a quote.  Just make it funny and clean.

(To see the other caption contests, click on the “Say What?” category in the sidebar.)