funny pictures, political edition, 2020

Today there is a need for some humor, with it being election day in the U.S. This is a scary election, with millions of people voting for which presidential candidate seems least likely to destroy democracy. (I still can’t get over the fact that out of all the great people here, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the ones we get to choose from. But I digress…) Anyway, here’s some politics-related pictures that hopefully you might find funny or humorous.

I have to agree… how in the world can we end up with two candidates that most people don’t want to vote for?
This would get out of control quickly, because neither Madea nor Trump would back down, but it would be more entertaining than the recent dumpster fire debates.
Don’t get mad — it’s a joke. Neither presidential candidate is “right”, IMO.
How often do people change their mind? And what methods might be successful? Healthy debates are great, but a lot of online arguing where people just repeat their standard talking points could be time spent doing something more productive. And people might be happier too.
Actually, I don’t want to know what people are having for dinner, either… is there a good reason to get on Facebook these days? 🙂 And don’t get me started on the professional trolls who are creating division on purpose…
Please don’t judge people by who they vote for. They might have one primary reason to vote for a party and thus vote for a turrible-in-most-other-ways candidate.

(To see more funny pictures, click on the “Funny Pictures” category in the sidebar.)

our own caucus

It’s just not fair that we don’t have a major political caucus here in Arkansas.  Why should Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina get all this attention from the candidates while choosing who the main candidate should be?  (I’d prefer there was just one big one instead of all these separate ones, but whatever.)

To resolve this issue, we held our own private caucus here at Buffet o’ Blog.  Some of the staff met and conducted our own primary.  Here’s the results :

On the Republican side, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee got the most votes.  John McCain came in second.

On the Democratic side, it was unanimous — all got zero votes except for Hillary Clinton, who got negative votes.  (I’d interpret the negative votes as “I’d vote for anybody over Hillary Clinton.”)

Chuck Norris got some write-in votes as Secretary of Defense.

There you have it.  Let our results be broadcast on the major news networks and added to what’s already out there.  I know our caucus was small, but our budget is nearly non-existent.  If more people want to vote, they will have to donate some money to make it happen.  Sorry, but with this site generating exactly zero dollars, the budget just doesn’t have much flexibility.  Maybe next year we can do something bigger…